Happy New Year!
I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are ready for the New Year. Can you believe that it’s 2024 already?

January 1st marks the first day of 2024, and it is also national self-care day. This falls on the perfect day because what a better way to start off the new year!
With making the big decision last year to quit my full time job to pursue my own business endeavors, I went through a lot of changes. Those changes were limiting my spending habits, taking on more business clients, changing my diet, and growing the team. It was a lot to embrace the changes in the beginning, so I knew I needed to set a routine to focus on self-care. Below are a few activities that I focus on during my self-care routine.
Eating my favorite food
Taking myself out
Watching my favorite movies
Doing my own nails at home
Doing my skin care routine
Giving myself a facial
Taking the day off from work
Self-care is centered around what makes you feel good and that looks different for everybody. With us going into a new year together, I want to challenge you to prioritize having a self-care routine and putting it into action. Let me know in the comments below how you're setting aside time for self-care.
This new season, I'm realizing that everything in life is pointless without a relationship with Christ. I am focusing on growing closer with God to learn his true purpose for my life and why I'm here. As always, thank you so much for taking the time to visit CRMstyles. I can’t wait for you to see what God has in store for both you and I.
Happy New year! Until Next Time!