How to Beat Instagram's Algorithm + Giveaway
If you're like me, you have probably came across a million and one articles on how to grow your Instagram. Well I am here to tell you a million and two ways how to grow your Instagram haha! Instagram has added new algorithms to the platform since 2017. I'm going to discuss a few tips down below on how you can beat these algorithms and gain more engagement and reach on Instagram.

1. Organic Interaction and Engagement
To boost your brand awareness and grow your reach, you need to be sure that you are commenting on other users' content. Not just any user's content, but users that you feel have a similar target audience as you. This will create relationships with other users and expose your account to other users who decide to comment. Liking pictures aren't good enough anymore because people get tons of likes on their pictures, so you will just drown in their notifications list. After commenting on other users' content, go in and like other people's comments on that same user's content. This will also expose you to new accounts.
2. Post consistently. Yes, I know you hear this a lot, but this tip needs to be implemented into your strategy repeatedly. Post as often as you see fit according to your target audience.
3. Post content that your audience can relate to and make sure your content has a theme. Pretty pictures are great, but if your audience can't relate what's the point, right?
The users’ photos you interact with are the ones you are more likely to see. The likes and comments you leave drive what is presented to you on your news feed. That means you might not see your cousin Sarah’s pictures as much because she doesn’t post as often or you don't interact with her content as often. They are trying to show you pictures they think you’re more likely interact with. The Instagram algorithm also prioritizes content that has more engagement.
1. Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags will create more reach and exposure to your account. There are tons of users that search through hashtags everyday looking for business, services, or inspiration, so don't miss out on your chance to become exposed to many accounts.
2. Look at your Analytics. If your account is not set up as a business page, this should be the first thing you do if you are trying to promote a brand. This way you can view the analytics for your account. Specifically, pay close attention to your reach, impressions, profile visits, and bookmarks. These particular KPI's (key performance indicators) can help you figure out the trends on your account or what your audience interacts with the most.
3. Post Instagram stories. If you are not very active on Instagram story, you need to become more active. Instagram also has an algorithm if you post on story and users interact with your stories, your content is more likely to show up on their feed. So this means more reach and more exposure on your account.
4. Run a contest. This is definitely the quickest and easiest way to gain engagement and exposure to your account. Be sure when you post a contest, you are still using relevant hashtags on your content.
I hope you guys found these tips helpful! Since we are talking about Instagram, I wanted to host an Instagram giveaway for you guys. There will be 3 winners. One winner will receive a Sephora gift card, one winner will receive a Forever21 gift card, and the last winner will receive a free makeover by me. The giveaway will last 1 week. Read down below for each step to enter the GIVEAWAY!!!
1. Make sure you are following me on ->Instagram<-.
2. Tag 2 friends
3. Subscribe to my blog!
4. Comment down below which two you would like to be nominated for. You will be nominated for two; however, you can only win one gift.
Good Luck!!
Until Next Time!